Watch highlights of what your group can experience with Shelley...

Highlight Reel (5 min)
"Shelley Leith, Your Event Speaker"

Shelley’s humor is self-deprecating, her teaching is memorable, her Bible exposition is trustworthy, and her level of genuineness is brave. You might just have to change something in your life after you hear her.

Story (90 sec)
"Stop, Drop and Roll"

“Shelley’s ‘Stop, Drop & Roll’ lesson is my biggest takeaway. It is a simple yet profound way to make the people in your life feel wanted, loved and important. I am definitely going to implement this with my children, my parents, family, friends, co-workers, and students I work with.” Bonnie, Boston, MA

Complete Message (20 min)
"Proactively Defining Your Family Legacy"

Shelley explains how to develop a Family Mission Statement, and how to proactively train Christlike character qualities into your children.

Read what people have said about Shelley...